“How did we get to a place where the companies that profit from our sickness are the ones telling us how to be healthy; where the companies that profit from our food choices are the ones telling us what to eat; where the public’s hard-earned money is being spent by the government to boost the…
Tag: toidupoliitika
“Having the USDA design your food pyramid is like having Al Capone do your taxes.” (“Lasta Ameerika Ühendriikide Põllumajandusministeeriumil koostada toidupüramiidi on sama kui usaldada oma maksude maksmine Al Capone kätte.”) – Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Miks hoolida sellest, mida meile riiklikes toitumisjuhistes soovitatakse? Sest see on see, mida lastele koolis õpetatakse ja mille järgi otsustatakse,…